Hunger Action Month

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Loosing Hope

I spent two days this week walking around my local Jewel. I had a speaking engagement on Wednesday and decided to buy a 2.5 gallon gas container to show that it would cost $10.00 to fill up. Then, my idea was to buy the same amount in food. I thought that I could get a lot.
I got the Peanut Butter, one jelly, one box of Mac and Cheese, one can of Tuna, one small loaf of bread, one dozen eggs, one half gallon of milk...and I spent almost $14.00.

NOW, I have to decide how to live next week on PBJ, Tuna Casseroles, Water...and, I am afraid to spend my next $11.00 because it will not go far.

I think the worst part of my experience so far is that I realize that I am doing this as an attempt to make people aware of the challenges that people who are hungry face...I am now realizing that you can lose hope real quick when you can not feed yourself.

share your thoughts. save your money, by dieting. give the difference to a hungry neighbor.

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